

Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

I have a hard time slowing down. Always have. With a bad habit of promising myself the best of life when everything is done and I can truly relax, I rarely have enjoyed the moments that I made so magical for the rest of my family.This is the first year that our daughter is hosting Thanksgiving, and it turns out that not being in charge of every detail is blessed and freeing experience. When I hosted, I did everything, never accepting a offer of help to bring a dish or to help with any of the pre …
25th Nov 2022 THT Steph
From Birthright To Passion

From Birthright To Passion

We have a lot of people ask us what made us decide to open The Herbal Toad, and a lot of people don’t know the true miracle behind the becoming of our family business. While herbalism dates back for many generations in our family, there is a story behind what pulled my mother from a place of taking this heritage for granted and what turned it into a business and heartfelt passion. So, here it is!The picture on the left was my mom in 2015 on one of the last days she was able to leave home. The pi …
27th Jan 2021 THT Katie