Study Aromatherapy Inhaler

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Product Overview

A must-have essential oil for school, work, and anytime you are having trouble gathering your thoughts. Study helps you or your child focus. It balances mood, creates alertness, and fights fidgeting. And as an added bonus, it promotes a healthy immune system!

All of our inhaler's are made to order, so they are the freshest possible aromatherapy inhaler available. After regular use, you may feel that there is less of a scent. This is largely because you become nose blind to the aroma. The aromatherapy stick will continue to work for 3-5 weeks, depending on how often it was opened and used.


Study Aromatherapy Inhaler can be refreshed by adding Study Essential Oil directly to the cotton wick inside the inhaler tube. Remove cap and wick, dampen wick with fresh essential oil (do not saturate), and replace cap. Check to be sure that there is no excess oil on the outside of the aromatherapy container.  


Ingredients: Pure, undiluted essential oils of Peppermint, Lemon, Lime, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Petitgrain, and Vetiver.

High Quality Standards

Our essential oils are unsprayed-wildcrafted, or certified organic, and put through rigorous quality control measures. Every batch is tested by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) testing to ensure therapeutic quality and purity.  You can shop with confidence knowing that there are no synthetics, fragrances, fillers, or toxic chemicals in our essential oils, ever!


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 


Place the inhaler tip about a quarter of an inch below nostril and slowly inhale.
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