
DIY Flea and Tick Spray Recipe

DIY Flea and Tick Spray Recipe

Spring is just around the corner, and where we live, it already feels like it has arrived! If you are a dog owner, it is time to start a flea and tick prevention routine. It can be hard to get control of a flea or tick infestation once it has begun, and that is why I suggest starting at the first sign of warm weather. My DIY flea and tick spray recipe can be used alone or with other flea and tick preventions.We love using this recipe at our house, but remember, all animals react differently to …
15th Jun 2024 THT Steph
Herbs to Help With Endometriosis

Herbs to Help With Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects 190 million, approximately 10% of all women who are in their reproductive years. It is a condition where endometrium tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing pain and reproductive issues. Herbs and essential oils have been shown to improve symptoms, and even prevent the growth of endometrial tissue.Herbs To Help With EndometriosisTurmericTurmeric is revered as an antioxidant and for its anti-inflammatory properties, which has been shown to help with endometriosis symptom …
20th Jun 2023 THT Steph
My Favorite Things To Do With Lemon Essential Oil

My Favorite Things To Do With Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil has many, many properties that help promote health, mental and physical energy levels, purification. It is most often used with acne, high blood pressure, allergies, respiratory issues, and cleaning. Its invigorating and warming aroma freshens, sanitizes, and invigorates. There are endless uses for Lemon Essential Oil.  Today I present to you my favorite common uses.Add 2 drops to every 100mL water in an aromatherapy diffuser for the above causes.Add a few drops t …
29th Jul 2022 THT Steph
Best Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery

Best Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery

In a study of 585 women in labor, 68% found essential oils to be effective in decreasing pain and duration of labor, and increasing a sense of wellbeing. Today I am going to share with you the best essential oils for flavor and delivery.To benefit from essential oils during labor, the oils can be used in two ways. Use the essential oils for labor aromatically by breathing in the aroma directly, or through a diffuser. To use the oils topically, follow safe dilution guidelines and then apply topic …
14th Feb 2022 THT Steph
Back To School Essential Oil Printable Recipes

Back To School Essential Oil Printable Recipes

Summer is coming to a close, and we are in full back to school mode. My back to school essential oil recipes are designed to put your student in the state of mind for learning while helping to support immunity and common ailments now that school is back in session!Scroll to the Bottom for Printable Recipe Cards!Pre-Game Sleep4 drops Frankincense + 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops ChamomileLooking for a ready to use sleep essential oil blend? We use The Herbal Toad's Sleep Essential Oil Roll-On, massag …
26th Aug 2021 THT Steph
Natural Remedies to Improve Wellbeing

Natural Remedies to Improve Wellbeing

Let’s be real, anxiety and stress is something that almost all of us experience from time to time. We are all living in more complicated, chaotic times. From deadlines, to working, to getting the kids to and from school, homework, laundry, housework, and more. We feel like there’s never enough time in the day, and its natural to feel frazzled and overwhelmed at times. By not taking actions of these feelings can greatly impact our quality of life. Here are a few natural approaches on improving ou …
15th Feb 2021 THT Katie
How to Use Thick Essential Oils

How to Use Thick Essential Oils

Let’s talk about how to get thick essential oils out of the bottle. It can be tough to get some essential oils out of the euro dropper bottle, am I right? There are many components that play a part in the viscosity (thickness) of an essential oil. Thicker oils typically come from the resin or root of the tree, and can be difficult to get out of their euro droppers. Additionally, some oils grow even thicker and more potent as they age. Because essential oils are extracted from living plants that …
31st Jan 2021 THT Steph
Let's Compare Frankincense Species

Let's Compare Frankincense Species

While Frankincense is one of the most versatile essential oils in existence, no matter which you choose, there are differences between them. Each Frankincense is very similar in makeup because they encompass very similar properties, and are each made from the resin of a Boswellia tree species. Each species produces a slightly different iteration of frankincense essential oils.It's these subtle differences that make one Frankincense shine over the other in different areas, and it's thei …
7th Oct 2020 THT Steph
Homeschool Essential Oil Recipes

Homeschool Essential Oil Recipes

As a mother who has been long retired from homeschooling, if asked, I will tell you that I loved every minute of it.  It's funny how the mind works, because I really do feel that way, but given time to reflect, I have to say that I didn't love every minute.  I did love being a homeschool mom, and the fact that I remember it so fondly a says to me that the benefits far outweighed the challenges.  Without really reflecting, I have all but forgotten the days when nothing seemed to go …
24th Sep 2020 THT Steph
Helichrysum Essential Oil Uses

Helichrysum Essential Oil Uses

Helichrysum essential oil is one of my favorite essential oils because of its fast acting, profound pain relieving and healing effects. The particular species of Helichrysum italicum, also known as Everlasting or Immortelle, is the most broadly therapeutic of the 500 Helichrysum species, and this is the species that you will find in our Helichrysum Essential Oil.  Studies have suggested that helichrysum essential oil can help promote healing, fight infection, and reduce inflammati …
31st Jul 2020 THT Steph