
My Favorite Essential Oils for Hair

My Favorite Essential Oils for Hair

Hair is often the first thing that people notice about us. It is part of our identity, expression, creativity, and it is often considered a sign of health and vitality. Hair care products continue to rise in popularity and price, but the answer can be as simple and inexpensive as incorporating essential oils into your favorite shampoo and conditioner.Using the chart below, choose the combination that will work best for you according to whether you have a flakey scalp or whether your hair is oily …
22nd Jul 2024 THT Steph
Candida Overgrowth Symptoms and Treatment

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms and Treatment

Candida, a yeast fungus, normally exists in small amounts in your mouth and intestines where it aids in digestion. When in balance, candida actually helps your body to function correctly. The problem arrises when the levels increase, causing significant health problems. Learning how to fight candida overgrowth, symptoms, and treatment are a real benefit to healthful living.The number of candida infections has significantly increased over the past 20 years, and continues to be on the rise. People …
20th Jul 2024 THT Steph
DIY Flea and Tick Spray Recipe

DIY Flea and Tick Spray Recipe

Spring is just around the corner, and where we live, it already feels like it has arrived! If you are a dog owner, it is time to start a flea and tick prevention routine. It can be hard to get control of a flea or tick infestation once it has begun, and that is why I suggest starting at the first sign of warm weather. My DIY flea and tick spray recipe can be used alone or with other flea and tick preventions.We love using this recipe at our house, but remember, all animals react differently to …
15th Jun 2024 THT Steph
10 Amazing Elderberry Benefits

10 Amazing Elderberry Benefits

While the most common type of elderberry is Sambucus nigra, or black elderberry, there are several varieties of the Sambucus tree. The tree has clusters of white elderflowers and bunches of berries. The berries are mot often used in herbal remedies, but the flowers are used too. Elderberry is one of the most common medicinal plants in the world and has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments, most popularly cold and flu. Elderberry does som much mor …
24th Dec 2023 THT Steph
Guide to Creating a Personal Space

Guide to Creating a Personal Space

Having your own personal getaway space can create positive changes to your body, mind, and spirit... and even fix a bad attitude toward the people you love most.I have always been a person who could stay home with my family for prolonged periods of time. We homeschooled our children, and did so for many years from our hilltop country home.  I didn't require much alone time at all. I was good at connecting with God in the everyday moments, and I rarely felt unhappy or to the end of my rope. …
31st Oct 2023 THT Steph
Treating Gout and Kidney Stones Naturally

Treating Gout and Kidney Stones Naturally

While gout and kidney stones are sometimes caused by the same thing, too much uric acid buildup in the body, kidney stones can also be caused by a buildup of calcium. Either way, the home remedy is the same. The key is to cleanse the kidneys, flush the system, and use herbs that combat the existing problem. The good news is that treating gout and kidney stones naturally may be easier than you think. First of  all, the following herbs are some of my favorites for both conditions, and th …
23rd Oct 2023 THT Steph
Heal All aka Self Heal - A Multi Use Workhorse Herb

Heal All aka Self Heal - A Multi Use Workhorse Herb

I am get regular questions about the uses for Prunella vulgaris, for which there are many. Most questions come from those wondering if it will help with a current ailment, and the answer is usually YES!  Heal All, aka Self Heal, is one of the more widely studied herbs and even in scientific studies, you see these broad lists of conditions. In fact, it is one of those precious plants that seems to do about everything. It is my favorite herb for healing wounds, as well as working …
13th Aug 2023 THT Steph
Herbs to Help With Endometriosis

Herbs to Help With Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects 190 million, approximately 10% of all women who are in their reproductive years. It is a condition where endometrium tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing pain and reproductive issues. Herbs and essential oils have been shown to improve symptoms, and even prevent the growth of endometrial tissue.Herbs To Help With EndometriosisTurmericTurmeric is revered as an antioxidant and for its anti-inflammatory properties, which has been shown to help with endometriosis symptom …
20th Jun 2023 THT Steph
Valentine's Herbal Latte Recipe

Valentine's Herbal Latte Recipe

My Valentines Herbal Latte Recipe is light and delicious, Whether you drink it hot for a cozy night in, or ice it for the perfect on-the-go drink, it tastes amazing either way. It was originally developed for adults in mind, but it has turned out to be a favorite for everyone, including the children in our family. The recipe is easy to make, so it is a good choice for getting the kids in on experimenting with tea.Get The Printable Sheet of Recipe Cards -> HEREIngredients2 cups of dairy o …
7th Feb 2023 THT Steph
Herbal Tea For Kids of All Ages

Herbal Tea For Kids of All Ages

Introducing your child to herbal tea early can help them form positive wellness habits. Drinking herbal tea can assist your child in better eating habits, improve hydration, teach them to slow down and take care of themselves, and make them more comfortable with using herbal teas for overall better health. The teas in our 'Kids Love Tea Too' collection work gently to support the individual and do not contain caffeine, which can stimulate a child's nervous system unnecessarily.Consideri …
20th Jan 2023 THT Steph