Seasonal Tinctures

Seasonal Tinctures

  • Aller-G Tincture Aller-G Tincture

    Aller-G Tincture


    Our Aller-G Tincture is one of natures most effective combinations for those who suffer from seasonal allergies and hay fever. Aller-G works primarily by supporting a healthy histamine response while helping to bring welcome relief while building...
  • Anti-Inflame Tincture Anti-Inflame Tincture

    Anti-Inflame Tincture


    Inflammation is the body’s natural response to a harmful stimuli; it is a necessary first step to healing an injury, however; too much inflammation can wreak havoc with your body. Too much inflammation can cause increased pain, skin problems,...
  • Elderberry Extract Spray Elderberry Extract Spray

    Elderberry Extract Spray


    Sambucus Nigra is the Latin name for Black Elder. The dark blue/black berries of this plant, Elderberries, have many naturally occurring nutritional substances such as Rutin, Quercetin (flavonoids), and Anthocyanins. Research supports the health benefits...
  • Respair Tincture Respair Tincture

    Respair Tincture


    Respair Herbal Respiratory Tincture is a liquid lung and bronchial cleanser for healthier airways! Congestion, allergies, side effects from low air quality, bronchitis, smoker’s cough, cold, and flu can all benefit from this carefully blended...