The Benefits of Herbal Facial Steam

The Benefits of Herbal Facial Steam

I love using herbal steams, especially in the winter months.  Steam is warming and moistening and helps alleviate dryness in the body. Adding aromatic plants to hot, steamy water allows the plant's volatile oils to combine with the steam, and then delivered to the skin and/or respiratory system. Facial steams are calming to the senses and are a natural way to promote open airways, clear head colds, and is one of my favorite ways to give skin a rosy, dewy glow.

When used as a part of a skincare regimen, facial steaming opens pores, cleans the skin, increases circulation, rejuvenates skin, improves acne, smooths the appearance of wrinkles, and moisturizes.

Herbal Facial Steam can also be used in bath water, as a tea, for postpartum sitz bath, or as a toner!

For a powerful respiratory steam, try The Herbal Toad's Nasal Steam.

Multiple Benefits in Every Ingredient

Rose Petals & Buds (Rosa centifolia) contains antioxidants, boasts astringent and anti-bacterial properties, but does not strip the skin of moisture, making it suitable for all skin types.

Calendula Flowers (Calendula officinalis) is one of the most widely known skin healing herbs. It is high in antioxidants and vitamins C and E. It is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and is used to help treat various kinds of skin issues. It is gentle enough for all skin types including dry and sensitive complexions.

Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria recutita) possesses many properties for the skin such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and contains essential oils and antioxidants. Additionally, it is hypoallergenic and helps to reduce skin irritants by neutralizing free radicals. It is known for its soothing and calming properties. In skin care, it provides skin softening and relaxation, as well as a wonderful aroma.

Lavender Buds (Lavandula angustifolia) is antibacterial, regulates sebum production. It has many skin benefits including that of being antiseptic and anti-fungal which helps reduce scarring and speeds healing. It is also anti-inflammatory, thereby reducing skin redness and balancing skin complexions.

Cornflower Petals (Centaurea cyanus) is both a skin soother and skin conditioner.

Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) reduces bacteria, promotes healing, and is detoxifying.

How to Steam Your Face

  • 1 Large pot
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 2 Tbs Herbal Facial Steam
  • 3 Cups hot steamy water on kept on low 1 large pot
  • 1 Towel
  • A tissue

Heat water to just boiling, add herbs and stir until all herbs are moist. Cover and remove from heat. Allow to steepfor about 5 minutes in the steamy water.  Put towel over your head, and close your eyes, putting your face over the steaming pot. Breathe in the steam for a minute. Take a break. Repeat 3 times. 

Alternate Method: Wait until herb water is cooled just enough to be skin comfortable. Wet towel with herb water and ring out until wet but not dripping. Wrap face with steamy towel, leaving a hole for your nose. Allow herbal steam to do its work by leaving the towel in place for 10 minutes.


As you draw your bath, add 2 - 3 tablespoons of The Herbal Toads's Herbal Steam directly to your bathwater or add to a muslin bag and let steep in the bathwater. Then simply follow your usual bathing ritual. Use this same method to use as a postpartum sitz bath.


Follow the tea instructions, allow to cool to room temperature. Strain out botanicals and pour the tea into a clean facial spray bottle. Keep the toner in the refrigerator and use within one week. Use twice a day after cleansing or throughout the day as a skin refresher.


Using a tea strainer, add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and allow to steep for 3 minutes before enjoying. For detailed instructions on how to brew herbal tea, read How to Brew Herbal Tea.


14th Nov 2020 THT Steph

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