Ginger Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Ginger Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Ginger is quickly growing popularity as it becomes known for more than just it’s benefits on the digestive system. Ginger is also great for boosting the immune system, increasing circulation, and so much more!




Ease nausea, menstrual discomfort, upset stomach, anxiety, muscle soreness, and joint pain

Anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties

Display tonic, laxative, digestive, and anti-spasmodic activity

Helps fight infections, including those in the digestive tract

Reduce or eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract to soothe irritation and congestion

Promote easier breathing by opening up airways and diminishing inflammation

Reduce symptoms of colds, flu, and fever

Boost circulation and thereby stimulate the growth of stronger and healthier hair and skin,

Improves the symptoms of edema through increased circulation and diuretic properties.

Facilitate the fading of scars and cellulite


AROMATICALLY: Use a diffuser, rub into the palms of your hand and cupping around your nose, or inhale the aroma directly from the bottle.

TOPICALLY: Ginger essential oil can be blended with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, and applied topically. The maximum dilution rate for the topical application of ginger essential oil is 4% or 8 drops to a 10 ml roll-on bottle.

INTERNALLY: Add 1-2 drops of ginger essential oil to a veggie capsule and swallow, or 1-2 drops under the tongue, or 1-2 drops in a 4 oz class of water, mix well and drink to soothe digestive issue. If using essential oils for internal use, be sure that they are 100% pure essential oils that are not compromised or adulterated in any way. Also, do not use essential oils internally long term without checking with your health practitioner.


These DIY essential oil recipes are printable and are index card size to add to your herbal recipe box! Right click, save and print. 

DIY Apple Pie Diffuser Recipe: 3 Drops Clove Essential Oil, 3 Drops Cinnamon Essential Oil, 3 Drops Ginger Essential Oil, 2 Drops Bergamot Essential Oil

DIY Essential Oil Respiratory Steam: 2-3 Drops Ginger Essential Oil in a mug of steamy hot water. Inhale.

DIY Water Retention Essential Oil Rub: Add 5 Drops Ginger, 5 Drops Cypress, 3 Drops Fennel to a 10 ml roll-on bottle and top off with fractionated coconut oil.

We hope that you enjoy these recipes and don't be afraid to play with recipes of your own. Here's to a happy and healthy day.

21st Aug 2019 THT Steph

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