Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Golden milk is a well known anti-inflammatory drink that I will drink, but it isn't something that I want several times a week. I have been experimenting with turmeric drinks lately, and this Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe is a delicious way to change things up.

Turmeric is a vibrant yellowish-orange root that has been used in India for nearly 4,000 years. While India still produces and consumes the majority of the world’s turmeric crop, it has gained popularity throughout the world because of its vast medicinal uses.

Turmeric is something that I frequently recommend for a number of reasons, most frequently for its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. You will find turmeric in our Anti-Inflame Tincture, a tincture that I do take every day, but I still love the art of getting beneficial properties from my food.

Making the Golden Turmeric Smoothie

For anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestion benefits, this Golden Turmeric Smoothie recipe is a win in all ways possible. The recipe includes one of our favorite anti-inflammatory fruits, pineapple. We use our Daily Turmeric Blend for easily adding ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper to boost the absorption of turmeric.

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1 sliced banana, frozen

1 cup diced pineapple, frozen

1 cup coconut milk

1 teaspoon Daily Turmeric Blend

1/4 cup carrot juice (optional for enhanced flavor and color)

1 Tbs Honey (optional for allergy season and immune boosting power)

chia seeds for garnish (optional)


  1. Add banana, pineapple, coconut milk, Daily Turmeric Blend, carrot juice if including, and honey if including, to a high-speed blender and blend on high until creamy and smooth.
  2. Pour in glass and garnish with optional chia seed.
  3. NOTE: Add a squeeze or two of Anti Inflame Tincture to your smoothies for an extra anti-inflammatory kick. You will get all of the benefits and the tincture will not at all alter the yummy taste of your smoothie.
21st Aug 2019 THT Steph

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