Product Overview
Yoni Steams, known in Spanish as Bajos, is an ancient practice that is seeing a revival as women are more and more getting in touch with a more holistic connection to their bodies.
For fertility: If you are actively trying to conceive, you can use the Yoni Steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Yoni steam helps to create uterine membranes that are moist and receptive for conception to happen. Do not steam after possible conception.
After miscarriage: Yoni Steam Ritual may support your body in cleansing and can also be a wonderful tool for aiding in emotional balance. Yoni Steam once your bleeding has stopped.
Cramps, tightness or pain during intercourse: Yoni Steam soothes and relaxes the pelvic muscles. Be especially mindful to practice deep breathing while steaming for these conditions.
Peri-menopause and menopause: Yoni Steam can stimulate circulation and support your womb to continue to release fully even when your cycle is slowing. For menopausal women, yoni steam will revitalize vaginal tissue, improve vaginal dryness, and help with the change of season.
After Hysterectomy: The heat and warmth is a soothing therapy for scar tissue, and can be a wonderful way to connect with your femininity.
How To Steam: Bring water to almost a boil. Add 4 tablespoons of your herbs to a ceramic or wooden bowl. Pore water over your herbs, cover and let cool down to a temperature that is equal to what would be a comfortable drinking temperature.
Enjoy your steam for about 20 minutes. If you are able to, the ideal position is to squat. This brings the most open position to the pelvis, but may not be available for everyone or comfortable for long periods of time. You can also switch between squatting and kneeling while bending over with your elbows on the floor. Get creative here. There are also vaginal steam stools and chairs available to buy. Make sure you wear socks and wrap the blankets closely around you and the pot, so all the heat stays inside.
Rest and nurture yourself afterward, stay warm, drink some herbal tea and move slowly.
Changes to Expect After Steaming: Immediately following a Yoni Steam, you might feel extremely relaxed, emotional, or tired. In the days following, there are a number of things that women experience after Yoni Steaming. You might experience changes in your cycle, lighter period, release of dark blood and clots, feminine awareness. Changes can come on quickly, or more subtly.
During and after your steam you might feel tired or emotional, and it’s important you take the time to rest and stay warm after your Yoni Steam.
Only use Yoni Steam under doctors orders if any of the following apply:
- You have an IUD
- You are bleeding
- You are pregnant or think you may be pregnant
- You have a vaginal infection or open wound
Ingredients: Organic: Rose petals, Yarrow, Raspberry leaf, Motherwort, Calendula, Rosemary, Lavender, Basil, Chamomile.
High Quality Standards
Every ingredient in our sprays, rinses, steams, soaps, and soaks are chosen by our certified herbalist for effectiveness and safety, and then put through rigorous quality control measures. You can shop with confidence knowing that there are no synthetics, fragrances, fillers, or toxic chemicals in our line of products, ever! Simply put, if it isn't good enough for our family it isn't good enough for yours.
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1:2
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Love the new options!
The loose yoni is still my favorite. There is just something about seeing the herbs dancing in the water. The new option is really great though for a quick steam with zero cleanup. Also, try adding the steam bag to your bath water. It's a treat and super good for your girly parts.
fresh quality
I want fresh herbs for my steams and these are fresh fragrant and very nice quality. The ingredients are everything that I want for my steams.
Fresh herbs that work
I have done Yoni steam for years. This is a good fresh Yoni blend. It also makes a good drinking tea.