Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

I have a hard time slowing down. Always have. With a bad habit of promising myself the best of life when everything is done and I can truly relax, I rarely have enjoyed the moments that I made so magical for the rest of my family.

This is the first year that our daughter is hosting Thanksgiving, and it turns out that not being in charge of every detail is blessed and freeing experience. When I hosted, I did everything, never accepting a offer of help to bring a dish or to help with any of the preperations. I guess that I had it stuck in my head that I was doing a service to my family, but was I? I am learning (better late than never) that it was less of a service than I thought. 

Now that Katie has taken over the hosting responsibilities, I am in still in charge of making the pies, which I did yesterday, at our daughters home with my oldest granddaughters. Y'all! Don't you know that I enjoyed it more than any other year that I have made pies the day before Thanksgiving! 

Pumpkin Pie Helper

Apple Pie Helper

I have also started to ask for help with setting tables, clearing, etc, when we have family gatherings at my home. I know this seems like common sense to many of you, but I'm telling you, this has always been a struggle for me. The extra help has allowed my the time to really enjoy the people who I love the most. 

Most recently, I hosted a family dinner for all the kids to come put up the Christmas village. I had time to relax with the adults, and allow the kids to play without running up after them, knowing that I have already left someone in charge of guiding the kids in toy cleanup. 

I am incredibly grateful for each of you, and I hope that you are able to slow down this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Even if you already share the hosting or cooking responsibilities, I am guessing that there are still ways that you can slow down to allow for a season where you can more clearly enjoy your blessings.

With a full heart & much gratitude to you, Happy Thanksgiving!

24th Nov 2022 THT Steph

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