Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

The one thing that I hear from clients is their reservation to try tinctures. I can't relate to being afraid of the taste since I have taken tinctures my entire life and actually crave different herbs at different times. One of the easiest ways to take tinctures is to make the drops into a tea, cold or hot, or add it to an existing drink. Today I am going to share with you my summer allergy cherry sparkler recipe, one of my all time favorite summer drinks for allergy season.

As written, the flavor is a sparkling pop of fruity flavor with a pinch of tartness from the cherry juice, but you can really do this up in any combination, and with any tincture. I like to use the tart cherry juice since it adds to fighting the inflammation, which is part of the difficulty with allergies.

Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

Serves 1


1/2 cup organic tart cherry juice

1/2 cup sparkling water

2 squeezes of Aller-G Tincture

1 squeeze of lemon or lime (optional)

2 Tbs. chopped frozen or fresh fruit (optional)


Mix cherry juice, sparkling water, lemon or lime juice (optional), and fruit (optional). Add 2 squeezes of the dropper bulb of Aller-G Tincture. Easy peasy. No blender or shaker requires.

When I am feeling creative, I add the options lime and smashed frozen raspberries, even better if they are fresh berries that have been in the freezer for just a couple of hours. I top it off with fresh mint, thyme, or rosemary...whatever is needing harvesting.

My Favorite Alternatives For Different Results

This same recipe, substituting the Allergies-G Tincture with other tinctures can reap amazing benefits.

  • Anti-Inflame Tincture will work with the tart cherry juice to lower inflammations.
  • Gout Out will work with the tart cherry juice to lower uric acid levels.
  • Quiet Child Tincture will work with the tart cherry juice to help your wild one to wind down and prepare for a good nights sleep.
28th May 2022 THT Steph

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