
Elderberry Jam Recipe

Posted by THT Steph on 22nd Aug 2024

Elderberry Jam Recipe

This is the time of the year that I start preparing herbal preparations for fall and winter, and that means making my immune boosting elderberry jam recipe. I make this recipe in batches small enough that I think we can consume the jam within a few m … read more
Simplified Anti-Inflammatory Diet

31st Jul 2024

Simplified Anti-Inflammatory Diet

If you are a regular here, you know how passionate I am about incorporating into my diet anti-inflammatory foods. While a healthy inflammatory response is something that protects us in times of trouble, too much inflammation wreaks havoc on the bod … read more
Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Posted by THT Steph on 31st Jul 2024

Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Making this Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe for breakfast is a wonderful treat for those of us who want to start the day fighting inflammation. Not only does it feature one of the most anti-inflammatory foods in the world, turmeric, but it also … read more
Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

Posted by THT Steph on 29th May 2022

Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

The one thing that I hear from clients is their reservation to try tinctures. I can't relate to being afraid of the taste since I have taken tinctures my entire life and actually crave different herbs at different times. One of the easiest ways to ta … read more
Herbs For Nerve Pain

Posted by THT Steph on 9th Jun 2020

Herbs For Nerve Pain

Anyone suffering from nerve pain knows first hand the stress and anxiety it can cause. When the nervous system becomes overactive and the nerves become overly sensitive to touch, it can leave you feeling on edge. There is no doubt that nerve pain can … read more
Fight Allergies Naturally

Posted by THT Steph on 22nd Feb 2020

Fight Allergies Naturally

Up The Honey Intake  Did you know that consuming wild, raw, local honey may offer a gradual desensitization to your seasonal allergies? Bees pick up the pollen from their environment, the same environment contributing to your seasonal allergies … read more