

Make Anti-Inflame Your Game

Make Anti-Inflame Your Game

Anti-Inflammatory Eating is one of the most useful and effective tools for pain management that someone can use to treat themselves. AIE (which is the acronym for Anti-Inflammatory Eating, but it sounds like a victory cry, doesn’t it? Aiiieeee!!) is perfect for all types of health issues because it doesn’t require pills, prescriptions, or treatments to ease your pain - it’s all about something you’re doing anyway: eating!Which is why it’s such a shock to me that it is still an unknown in today’s …
3rd Dec 2018 THT Danni Mae
21 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

21 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

When injury occurs, the swelling, redness, and warmth are signs that your immune system is sending white blood cells, immune cells, and nutrients to the affected areas, which is key in healing. But this type of helpful inflammation is only temporary, therefore, when the infection or illness is gone, inflammation should go away as well. When the body is full of inflammation it makes managing painful conditions very difficult to manage.The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases re …
4th Jul 2018 THT Steph