
Herbs to Avoid While Breastfeeding

Herbs to Avoid While Breastfeeding

Some of the constituents in herbs can decrease milk supply, and excreted in breast milk just like the foods we eat.  Some of the herbs on this list are included because they are traditional antilactagogues, herbs used to decrease milk supply when weaning. Others are included as they could pose possible health risks for baby. This list includes common herbs that you might see in foods, herbal preparations, and supplement. Some herbs are considered to be generally toxic an …
8th Jun 2022 THT Steph
Homemade Herbal Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Homemade Herbal Electrolyte Drink Recipe

When we are not feeling well it is hard to get down anything. This is especially true where children are concerned. Most homemade electrolyte recipes are tasteless, or have no taste at all.  Store bought electrolyte drinks are often full of sugar, dye, and other unhealthy ingredients, and aren't any better for enticing a child to drink. My herbal electrolyte drink has all of the immune boosting, tummy soothing, cramp preventing, and other benefits of the herbal tea. Plus, it …
21st Feb 2021 THT Steph
Our Favorite Antiviral Herbs

Our Favorite Antiviral Herbs

Studies show that it might be a good idea to up your daily intake of herbs to boost your body's own immune system and to fight off virus.  Most herbs have amazing antiviral properties, thanks to their concentration of potent plant compounds.  Many of these properties have been relied on for centuries to help fight cold, flu, and other viruses Here are just a few of our favorites herbs for fighting viruses.Note: It is important to understand that there is no 'cure' for most viral i …
16th Mar 2020 THT Steph
Mega List of Child Safe Essential Oils

Mega List of Child Safe Essential Oils

There is a safe middle ground between those companies who tell you to use everything and anything with no concern for safety, and those senseless articles that try to scare you away from oils altogether. In truth, the use of good quality, 100% pure essential oils is safe for use with children. We just suggest taking some precautions to avoid even the most minimal of reactions. If you follow proper dilution guidelines, and choose oils from the list below, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of …
11th Mar 2020 THT Steph
Reading List for Aspiring Aromatherapists

Reading List for Aspiring Aromatherapists

I get asked quite often as to what books are good resources for different levels of essential oil know-how. I only recommend books that are authored by those who are practicing aromatherapists or are deeply rooted in the science of aromatherapy. I have come to see the growing number of publishers and authors who try to profit off from the popularity of essential oils, and publish books that are attractive, but full of inaccurate and even dangerous information. It is because of this that I have d …
17th Apr 2019 THT Steph
15 Medicinal Plants to Grow

15 Medicinal Plants to Grow

A medicinal herb garden is easy to grow, are usually natural insect repellers, and contain amazing properties. My. list of 15 medicinal plants to grow are so easy to grow that sometimes you have to keep a tight rein on them to prevent them from taking over. The essential oils found in herbs help them to resist pests, so you won’t need to worry about having your crop eaten by insects or animals. 1. Basil is a tasty kitchen spice that is also a superstar in the world of healing her …
3rd Mar 2018 THT Steph
Teas, Infusions, and Decoctions

Teas, Infusions, and Decoctions

As many of you know, teas are one of my favorite ways to nourish myself with herbs on a daily basis, and they are any excellent choice for children, even babies under one year old. They are also a good choice for those who are newcomers to using herbs and would like to avoid making a tincture or glycerite. Teas, infusions, and decoctions are three methods of preparing tea and herbal blends.WHY TEA IS A GOOD CHOICE Herbal teas are very diluted which means there’s less risk of giving your littl …
21st Jan 2018 THT Steph
Child Safe Essential Oil Use

Child Safe Essential Oil Use

Scroll Down for Printable Recipe Card Size ChartThe Herbal Toad makes finding child safe essential oils with our Child Safe Category easy.  Along with that category, we provide you with both safety and dilution guidelines to help you shop and use essential oils with confidence.The right essential oils can be very beneficial for a variety of things that ail your baby or child, but cautions do apply. Read the 'extra information' section on each essential oil listing to help you determine …
25th Oct 2017 THT Steph