The Practice of Yoni Steam

Posted by THT Steph on 30th Jun 2018

The Practice of Yoni Steam

Yoni Steam is powerful for women’s vitality in nourishing the uterus, regulating irregular cycles, reducing menstrual pain and imbalances and supporting fertility and reproductive health. It also supports spiritual and emotional cleansing and healing by reconnecting a woman with her feminine center and Inner Woman. Yoni Steaming is not for cleaning your vulva or vagina as your vagina is already self-cleansing.Yoni Steaming, when described as cleansing, is referring to the way the heat and steam supports our feminine bodies in their own natural release and vibrant vitality. More on the healing power of heat below. 

The Benefits of Yoni Steam

Heat supports opening and releasing. The moist heat softens the womb and the tissues, increases vital blood flow and supports your womb in releasing any stagnant blood that may have built up.

For easing menstrual pain, imbalances and blood clots: Menstruation should flow easily and without clots, which is often not the case. 1-3 Yoni Steam Rituals during your pre-menstrual phase is one of the best ways to prepare for your moontime. The warming steam aids in cleansing and nourishing the uterine membranes.. It’s important to know that healthy menstrual blood flows easily, in a bright red color with no clots.

For fertility: If you are actively trying to conceive, you can use the Yoni Steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Yoni steam helps to create uterine membranes that are moist and receptive for conception to happen. Do not steam after possible conception.

Postpartum: Using Yoni Steam after birth brings nourishing heat, supports the body to release fluids, and aids the womb in shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. For caesarian births, wait until you’ve healed before attempting to steam.

After miscarriage: Yoni Steam Ritual may support your body in cleansing and can also be a wonderful tool for aiding in emotional balance. Yoni Steam once your bleeding has stopped.

Cramps, tightness or pain during intercourse: Yoni Steam soothes and relaxes the pelvic muscles. Be especially mindful to practice deep breathing while steaming for these conditions.

Peri-menopause and menopause: Yoni Steam can stimulate circulation and support your womb to continue to release fully even when your cycle is slowing. For menopausal women, yoni steam will revitalize vaginal tissue, improve vaginal dryness, and help with the change of season.

After Hysterectomy: The heat and warmth is a soothing therapy for scar tissue, and can be a wonderful way to connect with your femininity.

You will need:

  • Chair with open slates, stool with a open slot or a toilet
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Large Pot

How To Use Yoni Steam

Step 1: Have prepared Yoni Steam Herbs or mix your own
Step 2: Bring water to a boil in a large pot
Step 3: Add herbs to boiling water and cover pot and let simmer
Step 4: Allow herbs to steep for 10 minutes and stir occasionally
Step 5: Place pot of water under the chair, prepare to for squatting position with something to steady bowl to avoid burning, or place underneath toilet seat (If using a toilet: Make sure that your toilet is extremely clean. Once your toilet is clean you should wrap the bowl of steaming herbs in a cloth to protect your toilet)
Step 6: Sit over herb infused water, wrap your lower body in a blanket or robe to keep steam in, and allow the steam to enter into your vagina for at least 20 minutes.

What To Expect After Steaming

Immediately following a Yoni Steam, you might feel extremely relaxed, emotional, or tired. In the days following, there are a number of things that women experience after Yoni Steaming. You might experience changes in your cycle, lighter period, release of dark blood and clots, feminine awareness. Changes can come on quickly, or more subtly.

Avoid Yoni Steams if:

  • If you have an IUD
  • If you are bleeding
  • You are pregnant or think you may be pregnant
  • If you have a vaginal infection or open wound

THT's Herbalist Blended Organic Yoni Steam

For steaming or drinking. :)