Natural Endometriosis Relief & Recipes

Posted by THT Steph on 3rd Aug 2024

Natural Endometriosis Relief & Recipes

Endometriosis affects 190 million, approximately 10% of all women who are in their reproductive years. It is a condition where endometrium tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing pain and reproductive issues. While endometriosis can be a complicated, and even extensive issue for some woman, it is possible to get natural endometriosis relief with herbs. Research has shown that improvement of symptoms, and even help in preventing the growth of endometrial tissue is quite possible with the right combination of herbs. I have personally seen it work for many women.

Natural Endometriosis Relief with Herbs List


Turmeric is revered as an antioxidant and for its anti-inflammatory properties, which has been shown to help with endometriosis symptoms. Curcumin, the primary active ingredient in turmeric, was shown to migration of the uterus lining. You can find turmeric and other powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients in Anti-Inflame Tincture, or try Anti-Inflame Tea. If you decide to take a capsule supplement instead, be sure to choose a high quality supplement that includes black pepper extract, which helps the turmeric powder more useful to the body. It's a thing. Read my article on Anti-Inflammatory Eating to find out more.

Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry leaf relaxes the uterus, easing menstrual cramps. The longer you use raspberry leaf, the better it works! You can find raspberry leaf in Women's Brew Tea.

Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry)

Reducing estrogen excess is key when it comes to improving symptoms for endometriosis, perimenopause, fibroids, and PMS. Vitex is often used to treat hormonal imbalances by acting on the pituitary to increase luteinizing hormone, which stimulates progesterone production. The exact, as found in, Harvest Moon Tincture, and Endo Calm Tincture, was shown to reduce the endometrial cyst size.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle has many medicinal benefits. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, support hormone levels, and promote a remarkable difference in the symptoms of PCOS. You can find nettle along with other powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients in Anti-Inflame Tincture, or try Anti-Inflame Tea.


Women with advanced endometriosis have significantly higher levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress response. Ashwagandha has been shown to balance cortisol levels.


Drinking chamomile tea can help with endometriosis symptoms, thanks to chrysin, a compound found in chamomile, which has been shown to prevent the growth of endometrial cells.

Peppermint and Spearmint

Try drinking mint tea! Peppermint and spearmint can reduce the severity of pain from menstrual cramps. I make this one - Mint-Tea.

Essential Oils To Help With Endometriosis

Essential Oils can be very effective in combatting the symptoms of endometriosis. Try diluting these oils in your favorite carrier and massage into the abdominal area. Apply a warm compress or warm hot water bottle for deeper absorption on days when things are especially rough.

Evidence from a 2013 study suggests that a mixture of cinnamon, clove, lavender, and rose essential oils may reduce pain during menstruation, which is a common endometriosis symptom. The study involved aromatherapy massage on the abdomen with the combination of oils and an almond oil base.

Harmony Essential Oil Blend

Harmony Essential Oil Blend includes a number of the ingredients suggested here, and even more of the suggested properties for endometriosis relief.


When massaged into the abdominal area, lavender essential oil might help with severe cramping triggered by endometriosis.


Endometriosis is worsened by poor circulation. Ginger essential oil is my favorite single essential oil for promoting circulation. Ginger is also known to reduce pain related to both menstruation and endometriosis. If you would prefer a circulation blend, Vascutone Essential Oil is the complete circulation package.

Clary Sage

Hormonal balance is key when it comes to improving endometriosis symptoms, and clary sage essential oil does just that, helping protect from estrogen-based cancers, fertility, PMS, cramping...and so much more. Despite what you may have heard from non-professionals, Sclareol, a compound found in clary sage, is not an estrogen. Sclareol can mimic estrogen but only if there is an estrogen deficiency. If there is not an estrogen deficiency, sclareol will not create more estrogen in the body. Again, finding herbs that balance and regulate is key!


Rosemary essential oil is another great estrogen balancing essential oil, and is another great oil for improving circulation.


Chamomile essential oil is a well loved herbal analgesic, a pain reliever, and can be used to reduce abdominal, back, and leg pain caused by endometriosis.

Frankincense and Myrrh

Frankincense essential oil is wonderful for pain relief. Try Frank and Myrrh Blend for an even stronger effect.


Geranium essential oil is a hormone balancing, uterine tonic. It helps to balance hormones while providing a positive effect on the uterine health. It's supportive of the reproductive system and the menstrual cycle.

Note: Always check with your doctor before adding anything to your regular healthcare regimen. Your doctor may have important recommendations, including information about potential interaction with other medications and supplements you’re currently taking.

Herbs to Avoid With Endometriosis

While there are plenty of choices when it comes to natural endometriosis relief with herbs, there are herbs that can make the condition worse. Some of which may surprise you, as there are a lot of well meaning hobbyists that are unaware of the false information that they are spreading.

Maca root has been talked about extensively, and I love it... just not for endometriosis. Maca root is my favorite post hysterectomy herb to keep your estrogen up, But this is exactly why I don't love it for endometriosis. Mama root may show effects similar to estrogen, so those dealing with hormone-related problems like breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids should be careful when considering maca root. Always talk to your healthcare provider before you begin using maca root if you have any of these conditions. Aside from endometriosis, maca addresses irregularities of the menstrual cycle, while improving hormonal imbalance. It also helps with body building, giving that backend workout some big support

Endometriosis Hot Bath Blend Essential Oil Recipe

Use Harmony Essential Oil Blend in place of the following oils if you prefer to not have to mix your own. Not only is Harmony useful towards natural endometriosis relief, it is the ideal women's hormonal blend for women of all ages!

  • Clary Sage 10 drops
  • Geranium 10 drops
  • Rosemary 5 drops
  • Ginger 5 drops
  • Chamomile 5 drops
  • 1/2 Cup Goat Milk (substituting cows milk is fine)

Add essential oils to milk, blend well, and poor in bath water. Stay in the bath for as long as comfortable. Follow up with massaging the abdomen and hips with the next recipe.

Endometriosis Massage Oil Blend

Use Harmony Essential Oil Blend in place of the following oils if you prefer to not have to mix your own.

  • Clary Sage 5 drops
  • Geranium 5 drops
  • Rosemary 5 drops
  • Ginger 5 drops
  • Chamomile 5 drops
  • Dilute in 2 TB carrier oil or unscented lotion.

Massage into abdomen and hips following a bath soak. If the pain is particularly bad during menstruation, use the above blend during the week before each period is due, three times daily on the abdomen and hips.

Easy Peasy Protocol to Natural Endometriosis Relief

I encourage every women to have a home apothecary, but if DIY isn't for you, the following are my blends that are the complete package to achieve natural endometriosis relief.

Anti-Inflame Tincture (or Anti-Inflame Tea)

Harmony Essential Oil Blend

Endo-Calm Tincture (or Endo-Calm Tea)

Vascutone Tincture

Note: Always check with your doctor before adding anything to your regular healthcare regimen. Your doctor may have important recommendations, including information about potential interaction with other medications and supplements you’re currently taking.