
Quit Smoking With Herbs

Quit Smoking With Herbs

Quitting smoking is hard. The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. When the nicotine leaves the system, the craving start, making it challenging to keep away, but combing the right herbs with your genuine desire to quit smoking can lead to success.Where to StartDesireDraw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On one side, make a list of all the reasons you enjoy smoking. On the other side, make a list of all th …
29th Jun 2019 THT Steph
The Practice of Yoni Steam

The Practice of Yoni Steam

Yoni Steam is powerful for women’s vitality in nourishing the uterus, regulating irregular cycles, reducing menstrual pain and imbalances and supporting fertility and reproductive health. It also supports spiritual and emotional cleansing and healing by reconnecting a woman with her feminine center and Inner Woman. Yoni Steaming is not for cleaning your vulva or vagina as your vagina is already self-cleansing.Yoni Steaming, when described as cleansing, is referring to the way the heat and steam …
1st Jul 2018 THT Steph
15 Medicinal Plants to Grow

15 Medicinal Plants to Grow

A medicinal herb garden is easy to grow, are usually natural insect repellers, and contain amazing properties. My. list of 15 medicinal plants to grow are so easy to grow that sometimes you have to keep a tight rein on them to prevent them from taking over. The essential oils found in herbs help them to resist pests, so you won’t need to worry about having your crop eaten by insects or animals. 1. Basil is a tasty kitchen spice that is also a superstar in the world of healing her …
3rd Mar 2018 THT Steph