
Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

Happy Thanksgiving - Slow Down!

I have a hard time slowing down. Always have. With a bad habit of promising myself the best of life when everything is done and I can truly relax, I rarely have enjoyed the moments that I made so magical for the rest of my family.This is the first year that our daughter is hosting Thanksgiving, and it turns out that not being in charge of every detail is blessed and freeing experience. When I hosted, I did everything, never accepting a offer of help to bring a dish or to help with any of the pre …
25th Nov 2022 THT Steph
Meet Moringa Restorative Tea

Meet Moringa Restorative Tea

Moringa Restorative Tea is one of our most versatile blends yet! It has been masterfully blended with ingredients that have a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. We start with Moringa, known as 'The Miracle Tree", and for good reason. Moringa is a good nutritive herb that has properties that are known to support a number of physical, emotional, and mental health.Moringa: skin infections and sores, edema, liver issues, cancer, digestive issues, bacterial infections, heal …
2nd Sep 2022 THT Steph
Easy DIY Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Easy DIY Elderberry Syrup Recipe

If you have ever consulted with me about immune system health, there is no doubt that elderberries have come up in our conversation. While I prefer Elderberry Tincture for everyday use, I still make a couple of good batches of elderberry syrup each fall and winter season. The kids love it, and it is great on pancakes!My elderberry syrup recipe includes echinacea because while elderberries are amazing on their own, there is some good research that shows what it does when combined with elderb …
16th Aug 2022 THT Steph
My Favorite Things To Do With Lemon Essential Oil

My Favorite Things To Do With Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil has many, many properties that help promote health, mental and physical energy levels, purification. It is most often used with acne, high blood pressure, allergies, respiratory issues, and cleaning. Its invigorating and warming aroma freshens, sanitizes, and invigorates. There are endless uses for Lemon Essential Oil.  Today I present to you my favorite common uses.Add 2 drops to every 100mL water in an aromatherapy diffuser for the above causes.Add a few drops t …
29th Jul 2022 THT Steph
Herbs to Avoid While Breastfeeding

Herbs to Avoid While Breastfeeding

Some of the constituents in herbs can decrease milk supply, and excreted in breast milk just like the foods we eat.  Some of the herbs on this list are included because they are traditional antilactagogues, herbs used to decrease milk supply when weaning. Others are included as they could pose possible health risks for baby. This list includes common herbs that you might see in foods, herbal preparations, and supplement. Some herbs are considered to be generally toxic an …
8th Jun 2022 THT Steph
Foods That Can Help With Inflammation

Foods That Can Help With Inflammation

If you are a regular here, you know how passionate I am about incorporating into your diet foods that help fight inflammation. Having a healthy inflammatory response is key to a number of health concerns. Our 'Fight Inflammation Series highlights the lifestyle elements that I believe make or break a healthy inflammatory response.Inflammation is a natural process that protects our bodies and allows for healing. Normal, healthful inflammation occurs immediately after an injury. The area gets red a …
4th Jun 2022 THT Steph
Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

Summer Allergy Cherry Sparkler Recipe

The one thing that I hear from clients is their reservation to try tinctures. I can't relate to being afraid of the taste since I have taken tinctures my entire life and actually crave different herbs at different times. One of the easiest ways to take tinctures is to make the drops into a tea, cold or hot, or add it to an existing drink. Today I am going to share with you my summer allergy cherry sparkler recipe, one of my all time favorite summer drinks for allergy season.As written, the flavo …
29th May 2022 THT Steph
Chicken and Quinoa Dog Food Recipe

Chicken and Quinoa Dog Food Recipe

Who doesn’t love a freshly cooked home cooked meal? I think that all of us do, and our pets are no exception. This easy DIY Chicken and Quinoa Dog Food Recipe is a favorite for both of our dogs, even our pickiest eater, Rosie.Making homemade dog food has worked out so well for us that we have transitioned to feeding home cooked meals to our dogs at every meal and treat. We use only organic human food grade ingredients, and we still spend just over half of what we were paying for premium dog food …
26th May 2022 THT Steph
Best Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery

Best Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery

In a study of 585 women in labor, 68% found essential oils to be effective in decreasing pain and duration of labor, and increasing a sense of wellbeing. Today I am going to share with you the best essential oils for flavor and delivery.To benefit from essential oils during labor, the oils can be used in two ways. Use the essential oils for labor aromatically by breathing in the aroma directly, or through a diffuser. To use the oils topically, follow safe dilution guidelines and then apply topic …
14th Feb 2022 THT Steph
10 Big Reasons to Join a Book Club

10 Big Reasons to Join a Book Club

I can literally think of dozens of reasons to join a book club, but I am going to give you just my top ten that apply to any club you decide to join. There is no book club norm. Book clubs can be as fun, or serious, or quirky as each group dictates them to be. I mean, book clubs are really just a place to gather with other readers and talk about books, right? But they offer also offer healthful benefits for body and mind. The best advice that I can offer you today is to join without overthinking …
2nd Feb 2022 THT Steph