
Mega List of Child Safe Essential Oils

Mega List of Child Safe Essential Oils

There is a safe middle ground between those companies who tell you to use everything and anything with no concern for safety, and those senseless articles that try to scare you away from oils altogether. In truth, the use of good quality, 100% pure essential oils is safe for use with children. We just suggest taking some precautions to avoid even the most minimal of reactions. If you follow proper dilution guidelines, and choose oils from the list below, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of …
11th Mar 2020 THT Steph
Fight Allergies Naturally

Fight Allergies Naturally

Up The Honey Intake  Did you know that consuming wild, raw, local honey may offer a gradual desensitization to your seasonal allergies? Bees pick up the pollen from their environment, the same environment contributing to your seasonal allergies. Eating local honey slowly builds up your tolerance to the specific allergens contained in allergy shots. It is important to consume raw, local honey because raw honey has not been treated, pasteurized, or processed in any way. When consuming raw ho …
22nd Feb 2020 THT Steph
Natural Relief for Morning Sickness

Natural Relief for Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is most usually believed to be caused by the rapid changes in hormone levels that occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, but morning sickness can also be caused by diet and blood sugar levels, among other things.  Many women experience a strong eversion to strong smells or tastes.If you are experiencing morning sickness, and your doctor has ruled out anything more serious than pregnancy queasiness, there are a few things that you can try.Mama Mornings TinctureM …
9th Feb 2020 THT Steph
Caring for the Prostate With Herbs

Caring for the Prostate With Herbs

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system, and is responsible for male sexual function and reproduction. One of its important roles is to squeeze fluid into the urethra as sperm move through during sexual climax. The prostate is walnut-shaped, located just below a man's bladder and starts to become active near puberty and then continues to grow. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate will often times show in men by the age of 40  but most frequently appear in men w …
3rd Jan 2020 THT Steph
Elderberry Benefits and Halloween Lore

Elderberry Benefits and Halloween Lore

The elderberry has been revered for its health benefits since the time of Hippocrates and approved still today by the German Commission for preventing and treating flu. But did you know that there are numerous legends surrounding elderberry?On Halloween, when people believe the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is thinnest, the old woman in the elderberry is very active. For this reason, people carried pieces of its wood for protection, tied prayers to its branches, tied branch …
21st Oct 2019 THT Steph
Elderberry vs Tamiflu

Elderberry vs Tamiflu

Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) tincture is my families choice for cold and flu viruses, both type A and type B. It's a natural remedy that has no side effects, is inexpensive, andhas been around for thousands of years. In the world of Elderberry we very much prefer a tincture over syrup, gummies, or any other method. You can read up on that here:  Why We Love Elderberry Tincture - sooo much more than syrup.but for now, let's discuss the benefits.ELDERBERRYA clinical trial done …
6th Sep 2019 THT Steph
Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Pink grapefruit essential oil is used by many to assist in weight loss, but did you know there is so much more to the properties of grapefruit essential oil than that?GRAPEFRUIT ESSENTIAL OIL BENEFITS AND USESWeight LossReduce Fat: One rat study found that the scent of grapefruit essential oil stimulated the breakdown of fat tissue and led to a reduction in food intake. Another study evaluated postmenopausal women and found that abdominal massage with grapefruit essential oil had a significant e …
27th Aug 2019 THT Steph
Ginger Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Ginger Essential Oil Benefits and Recipes

Ginger is quickly growing popularity as it becomes known for more than just it’s benefits on the digestive system. Ginger is also great for boosting the immune system, increasing circulation, and so much more!GINGER ESSENTIAL OIL BENEFITS AND USESDiureticDetoxifyingEase nausea, menstrual discomfort, upset stomach, anxiety, muscle soreness, and joint painAnti-septic and anti-inflammatory propertiesDisplay tonic, laxative, digestive, and anti-spasmodic activityHelps fight infections, including tho …
21st Aug 2019 THT Steph
Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe

Golden milk is a well known anti-inflammatory drink that I will drink, but it isn't something that I want several times a week. I have been experimenting with turmeric drinks lately, and this Golden Turmeric Milk Smoothie Recipe is a delicious way to change things up.Turmeric is a vibrant yellowish-orange root that has been used in India for nearly 4,000 years. While India still produces and consumes the majority of the world’s turmeric crop, it has gained popularity throughout the world because …
21st Aug 2019 THT Steph
Benefits and Technique for Gua Sha Facial

Benefits and Technique for Gua Sha Facial

What is Facial Gua Sha?Gua sha is a traditional healing technique of East Asian medicine. Sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping.  For our purposes today, we will be talking about a gentler version of gua sha that uses lighter, gentler strokes, which have multiple anti-aging benefits as well as health benefits. Body gua sha deserves its own blog post, so we will cover that at a later date.DIY gua sha facials may be slightly more involved than using a cold jade roller but …
14th Aug 2019 THT Steph